This post is a full reviews of the thai BL series, Love By Chance 2: A Chance to lớn Love. This is all subjective, so please remember to be kind và know that everyone has separate opinions. A quick reminder that I am hard to lớn please when I critique. I will try to lớn be as accurate as possible so I can give people a good source of information on this series.

Spoilers ahead!!

⋅∘∙∗☾∗∙∘⋅⋆⋅∘∙∗☾∗∙∘⋅ ♡ ⋅∘∙∗☾∗∙∘⋅⋆⋅∘∙∗☾∗∙∘⋅

тαвℓє σƒ ¢σηтєηтѕ...

➝ Rating

➝ Synopsis/Summary

➝ The Plot

➝ The Couples

➝ The Music

➝ Final Thoughts

➝ Extra Links

⋅∘∙∗☾∗∙∘⋅⋆⋅∘∙∗☾∗∙∘⋅ ♡ ⋅∘∙∗☾∗∙∘⋅⋆⋅∘∙∗☾∗∙∘⋅


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