OVERVIEW OF ebestbuyvn.net

Vietnam Virtual Reality Technology Development Joint Stochồng Company (ebestbuyvn.net) is the number one & the only company in Vietnam developing Virtual Reality Technology products for different industries. for learning, training, retìm kiếm, business, sale, Communication...ebestbuyvn.net was born with the desire to bring one of the hottest technologies currently available Virtual Reality Technology inkhổng lồ applications & development và business in all fields.With years of experience in retìm kiếm and development, & a team of leading, experienced & chất lượng experts ebestbuyvn.net has developed & successfully implemented many practical products. virtual in many different fields

Virtual Reality - VR :

A VR system consists of VR applications (software) and the hardware is Virtual Reality Glasses (HTC vive sầu, Oculus, google cardboard ...), connecting lớn a computer or phone will bring you to lớn yourself & Immerse yourself (immersive) into a new world, a completely virtual world and then you are almost no longer aware of the real world around you. For example, you will be put inlớn a space station, where you can interact, activities in it, such as on the spacecraft, flying between the stars. Or as you will be taken back to prehistoric times walking with dinosaurs, interacting and communicating even touching them.The implementation of VR depends on accompanying devices such as computers, glasses, or phones with proper configuration, so it limits the number of people to lớn access, but the separate experience environment creates a more realistic và immersive sầu feeling. wrecked.

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Augmented Reality - AR :

AR is deployed mainly on handheld devices (Smart phones, Tabets), based on platforms such as ARChip Core, ARKit tư vấn ... and it focuses on combining the real world with virtual information. Must separate you lớn a separate space lượt thích VR. AR will also allow you lớn interact with virtual content in real life, be it touching, communicating or overlaying an image layer on top ... (Poketháng Go is a typical example)Implementing AR will be simpler & faster because it does not depend too much on the device, only on sản phẩm điện thoại devices that are mostly supported by Adroid và IOS so it is very convenient & fast..In addition to the concept of AR, VR we often encounter more concepts is MR (Mixed reality): MR Is a combination of VR & AR In recent years, the deployment of both AR và VR has increased rapidly, in part because the devices are becoming more popular than before và so are the great effects that it brings compared lớn traditional, in all fields of vocational education, health, tourism, commerce, truyền thông, sale in many different fields such as real estate, e-commerce, fashion, and furniture...ebestbuyvn.net is the No. 1 unit pioneering a lot of experience in implementing AR và VR nội dung và projects for these partners in different environments, operating in different fields in Vietphái mạnh và in the area .Vision: A pioneer in developing virtual reality content in Vietnam
Mission: Innovative applications to lớn enhance your lifeCore values: Technology - Innovation - Dedication - Professionalism - Efficiency


Virtual Reality trò chơi Development For Entertainment & Media Highlights

Virtual reality game with the trover of new virtual reality công nghệ to lớn meet the needs of enjoyment, the experience of players with VR virtual reality or widely deployed on mobile platforms with augmented reality This is a new direction developed by a lot of game publishers, kinh doanh companies, application egency và put into operation in Marketing Communications events in accordance with new development directions, emerging nội dung. Turn on, more attractive. Currently VR games are developing new và booming in the near future according to lớn experts" comments và new trends.


Experience Apartment Model Real Estate with Virtual Reality Technology VR/AR

Customers are allowed to visualize the living space, interior space, & surrounding landscapes by walking in real space, interacting directly with furniture, colors, layout of home furnishings (3D space) ) khổng lồ physically assess the trang chủ. Investors save sầu the cost of building Model houses, offering when the house is not ready to build. Buyers are welcome to lớn approach directly without having khổng lồ take place. Flexibility, speedy, low production costs khổng lồ meet the needs of Real estate investors is the giải pháp công nghệ lớn bring buyers closer khổng lồ the hàng hóa, this is a new strategic solution for real estate in the new era.


Digitize Antiques, monuments, museums for archiving and display in the 4.0 era

The digitalization of antiques, artifacts, monuments and museums is a very necessary work in accordance with the trover of 4.0. Storing originals, reprints will be quiông xã & accurate. Moreover, it also serves for display in the new era, khổng lồ introduce faster, wider, more attractive thanks to lớn the latest technology Virtual reality, from the digitized (3D) version of artifacts, antiques, pictures .. Will create 3 chiều virtual museums và relics on a synchronous solution from the 3 chiều website, VR virtual reality glasses, -AR augmented reality on mobile platforms, lớn meet the needs of previous experience. & visit with the lathử nghiệm công nghệ to lớn attract visitors, travel anytime, anywhere.


4D Books, Stories, Cards, Pictures, Virtual Reality Catalog - Experimental Education 4.0

Virtual Reality 4D Coloring Book is a hot new giải pháp công nghệ education hàng hóa in USA and around the world.When children finish coloring, they will revive sầu và move sầu, communicate with users through applications on smart phones & tabs.AR / VR helps Education innovate with teaching methods, learn practical experiences in a digital environment, avoid vegetarian learning, increase efficiency, attract & attract learners, without restricting access. , everytime everywhere.Stories, paintings, cards, catalogs will also become different with vivid 4D virtual reality effects, with more hàng hóa ideas, more quality, attractive sầu và effective.

Building Simulation systems for training, vocational training and VR training

The largest application in the field of military is rookie training. If the newcomer was not experienced enough when it comes khổng lồ weapons & explosives that could be dangerous for himself and his teammates, it is now safer through virtual reality simulation. They can even touch many of the most modern weapons that they have not previously had access lớn. Training & issuing licenses for cars, motorbikes, ship drivers, airplanes, vocational training, education và healthcare will be easy because there are many simulation systems lớn serve sầu the practical learning many times. I have always mastered it before và always learn vegetarian, due to practical conditions, hard lớn access.

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Try interior, Fashion by Virtual Reality enhances AR breakthrough strategy

The promotion of products & brands is a strategy khổng lồ overcome competitors. Customers need lớn experience first, communicate, interact directly with the sản phẩm, reduce travel time, and find the most satisfactory hàng hóa. Ikea, the world"s largest furniture company, uses Virtual Reality Technology for customers to lớn choose and experience products directly before buying, creating a great khuyến mãi in brand communication và significantly increasing sales. sell.Major fashion & cosmetics companies have sầu also succeeded in using virtual reality for their breakthrough projects, such as Nike and L’OREAL...

Interactive sầu brvà communication, Marketing experience with Virtual Reality

Branding communication now has a great option other than traditional ways. The innovative application of virtual reality lớn the truyền thông based on the outstanding features of VR can achieve sầu unexpected results, for example through a oto racing game to lớn promote trade. br& for a oto company, or AR tiện ích khổng lồ promote a fashion brand. The new, attractive, fast spread will attract a lot of people lớn tương tác, try, và share ..Enables self-experience of the hàng hóa before buying anywhere, anytime, integrating a buying feature - called Experience marketing, eliminating geographical distances, saving time, increasing satisfaction lớn attract truyền thông media và spread br& names such as Volvo, Land Rover và Dulux.

Virtual tourism, experience lớn attract visitors anytime anywhere

The application of virtual reality in tourism is a new breakthrough, attracting visitors" attention to lớn tourist destinations of localities. Virtual reality technology will maximize that attraction, create an impression, lust to a place that they bởi not have a condition or are in the process of consulting them. Virtual tourism or virtual reality tourism is a new step for the tourism industry that is an opportunity to lớn make a difference, break through in advertising & communication in a new way in accordance with the current development trover, is the new approach that the tourism industry needs to take in order lớn promote, attract và connect them with that local tourism in the fastest way, different from the traditional way of doing so far, & People Call it "Experimental Travel" or "Travel 4.0".

Constructing solutions for virtual reality systems, interactive sầu devices, and presentations

ebestbuyvn.net specializes in providing VR solutions available or interviewed khổng lồ build realistic algae rooms, augmented reality for units, galleries, museums, traditional rooms, monuments ...Providing virtual reality glasses và installing game room, projection room, virtual reality movie room and consulting the most suitable solution in terms of the most suitable function và cost: Consulting, selecting devices hardware: Glass, connectivity, server, control, display ... the best. Consult khổng lồ build virtual reality content in accordance with the requirements you need to lớn use, as well as integrate with the systems. Designed, installed to lớn achieve the highest efficiency & purpose as you desire.With a team of experienced systems will meet the requirements as well as the control và long-term development.

New, Featured in Entertainment and Event Media with Virtual Reality Game (VR Game) & Augmented Reality Game (AR game)Experience breakthrough Real Estate và Marketing Communications with engaging & effective sầu Virtual Reality Technology Promoting tourism with virtual reality, museums, relics & antiques will be more experienced, known by people without going to the place, is the best way to promoteInteractive sầu smart book 4D, Stories, Virtual Reality Cards 4 chiều more vivid và attractive sầu with AR công nghệ Innovating the quality of the Simulation system for training, vocational training và training with new công nghệ content more effectively, more economically & keeping up with the world trendCreate a new revolution for retail industries such as Furniture & Fashion by allowing users to try, experience, promote và sell products via Smarphone, Tabets with virtual reality technology.
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